Weekly 5x15

**“The best path forward you can create is a combination of the path behind and the path inside.” – Alex Aanderud** Taking time to reflect on the progress you’ve made, the obstacles you’ve faced and the path you’ve walked is as vitally important to your success as planning for the upcoming journey.  Take time each day to reflect on the day and plan your next.  Same each week, month, quarter, year… For my coaching clients, I am requesting a weekly review called a 5 x 15 report.  The term "5 X 15" refers to the fact that the report should take no longer than 5 minutes to read and less than 15 minutes to write.  This is only a high-level, way "above the weeds" kind of report.  The intent is not to clearly communicate all the details of the week, but to highlight the important information, bring it fresh to your mind as you plan your next.  It also helps to hold you accountable for the commitments you make to yourself. These are not designed to be long, drawn out narratives.  Rather, these are to be brief and prompt discussion and support.

This section should be a bulleted list with an indicator on each line on whether you successfully followed through with the given commitment.   This list should include your previous week's commitments (Section 7 from 5x15) plus any tasks that are assigned during our coaching call(s). The list should look something like this:
This Section is a chance for you to practice recapitulation. I want you to look back over the week and list out any and all Major  Successes and Accomplishments.  Remember that every  day successes count. At one point it was a success to tie your shoe, to drive a car, to be able to afford a meal out…little things you now likely take for granted. Look back over the week and write down what you did that you feel proud of, that you would like to see more of. Our unconscious mind responds to positive reinforcement and this is how we do that.
This section is intended for you to think about your next week and what you plan to accomplish. This is not (yet) the stage where you are making commitments, instead, it is where you look at the list of things you think you would like to do and write them down. Part of the importance of planning is to look at what you would like to accomplish and decide if it is something that is important enough to make a commitment.
After you list out what you are planning for next week, play your next week out and identify any potential challenges you might face; things you think might derail you from accomplishing your plans.
This section you get to do your own problem solving. Here you look at what challenges you came up with and try to identify solutions to prevent your challenges from derailing you. Thinking through how you can overcome your obstacles before you face them can make facing them a lot less formidable.
After you identify how you might be able to overcome your challenges, this section is the help that you might need. This can be help from me, from a co-worker, a boss, a friend, a spouse.  What help is it that you need to make sure you are empowered to take the necessary actions to create your results.
Finally, this is the section where you list what you are committing to for the upcoming week. This list, along with any tasking that gets assigned, will be your section 1 the following week.  Make sure that you are thoughtful on what you choose to commit to and remember that while the tasks are important, the most important commitments are the ones you make to yourself.