Meeting Pep Form

This form is intended to help me prepare for our upcoming meeting. Please complete as much of this form as you feel would be helpful for us to get the most out of our time together. The more info you provide, the more prepared I can be and more tailored our meeting can be. This form is required at least 24 hours prior to our meeting. If it is not completed, you may be asked to reschedule the meeting for a future date. Rescheduling is based on availability.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please provide the date of our upcoming meeting
Type of Meeting(Required)
What is your primary goal, focus, and desired outcome for this meeting?
Here, please list out your commitments from last week which include last week's commitments and any tasks assigned. Also state if they are Complete (C), In-Work (I) or Not Started (NS). No stories allowed!
Here, please take a moment and list out your major successes and accomplishments. It's important to take time to celebrate victories
In this section, please list any challenges you are currently facing that you would either like to discuss or like me to be aware of. This can be personal, professional or relational.
What challenges do you anticipate in the near future and what help do you need to keep you (or your team) moving forward?
Here, please list any people you want to discuss and a brief synopsis on what you are wanting to talk about with respect to them (i.e. fit for role, communication problems, motivation issues...)
Please let me know how you are progressing towards your goals and provide any additional comments, questions or wins in this section.